Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the other task from my miss


Computer security is a branch of computer technology known as Information Security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. The term computer system security means the collective processes and mechanisms by which sensitive and valuable information and services are protected from publication, tampering or collapse by unauthorized activities or untrustworthy individuals and unplanned events respectively. The strategies and methodologies of computer security often differ from most other computer technologies because of its somewhat elusive objective of preventing unwanted computer behavior instead of enabling wanted computer behavior.

One use of the term computer security refers to technology to implement a secure operating system. Much of this technology is based on science developed and used to produce what may be some of the most impenetrable operating systems ever.



Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness to meet a particular set of government requirements.

The most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the Common Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for Labeled Security Protection Profile(LSPP) and Mandatory Access Control(MAC). The Common Criteria is the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Netherlands to develop a harmonized security criteria for IT products.

Examples of operating systems that might be certifiable are:

s c i e n c e c o m p u t e r

cbe teke ap tu??science computer...knape ngn bnde tu??knape eh...
urm....sbab aku amik sbjek tu kt sni..quite hard..sbab ap??sbab.....kne hfal2..xsuke xsuke xsuke..xreti r nk hfal2 ni..lmbab r bab2 hfal ni..byak lak tu..deffinition,types,exmple,bla bla bla..byk sgt..ble stdy cm nak pecah pale nih..addooii...but, but, but......mse aku pdt dlu,(aku kn budak 2taun kt sni)..ok,time sem lpas,ive found a new way ble tbelah mse nye nk exam..mybe kat org len bnde ni dh lame kn..mmg dah lme tpi aku bru rjin nk gune care mne crenye? ? ?
cmni,aku buat cmni........
korang nk tau x,dlu kan,3 ari je lgi nk paper sc. comp tau..aku n the geng mne cover lgi sc.comp mse tu..asyik cover fzik math fzik math..ktorang pnye la TEKANAN mse tuwh tuhan j tau..tpi tpi tpi...tbe ade idea..ktorang nmpk marker..tau ktorang buat ap??jeng jeng jeng..ktorang tbe2 ade idea nkal lak..hihihi...ktorang klihkan almari besi gergasi ktorang tuwh..alihkan ke ktil ah..y blakang mnghadap ktorang..kuokan marker y ade tu..ngn highlgter skli..pastu....CONTENG!!ops bukan conteng natang mrapu..ktorang buat mind map dowh..bes..cntik gle..sume org kuokan idea msing2..ape y ade lam otak psal subtopic y nk dscuss tuwh..evry night subjek tu due ari j..blajr smbil bring2..stiap sorang ade tugas terangkn ape y pham..y xpham tnye la kn..n ktorang dh cover sbjek ni..xcaye..dh la byk kot..n time exam..pergh!!!alhamdulillah r bleh kan,xkkal dye ingtan ktorang ni..dlm otak dh tpdam tpi kt blakan almari besi gergasi ktorang tu......ya ampun...marker prmnent rupenye ktorang gne..xprsan kot mle2 nk coret tu..ahahah..sem ni,bljar jgk r ckit2 ape y ktorang dh bljr dh lupe..maybe xbrkat kan..yla mne x nye,ala ala vndlism kot..mne x nye 4 almari besi gergasi tu abis kne hasil karya ktorang..tpi ktorang xd niat nk buat vndlism..ampunkan kmi....penunggu gue..ampunkan kami penunggu gue....hahaah..
ya allah ampunkan kami..berkatilah semua ilmu Mu y umpama setitik air d laut Mu ya Allah..

berdasarkan ape y aku cite tu kan...ia hnyelah rkaan smate2..ahahahah..xd ah..sriusly bnd tu ktorang buat..xcaye g tgok kt blik ktorang dlu..blik ap??ops mne leh gtau..konklusyen nye adlah...klo nk buat cm ktorang buat ni,pgi ah stdy room o wht so evr..n gne mrker tuk whteboard..ktorang dlu stdy tgh mlm mmg ah xd bilik y bukak lgi..kre darurat r tu..bleh kan..hahahaah..